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Mastering Datorama Fundamentals is our hands-on Datorama training service that familiarizes clients with the Marketing Cloud Intelligence platform while showing them how to navigate core functions and features.
Theoretical and practical learning through training (virtual) sessions that explore the Salesforce’s Datorama University and Success Center.
We’ll show you how Datorama dashboards get done! Led by hands-on, certified trainers where clients set up an initial workspace and complete actual Datorama projects.
Clients can also opt for the Datorama Admin Readiness Class, which positions the subject matter expert to manage small and large implementation projects.
Mastering Datorama series on Linkedin sheds light on our thinking and methodology. View our Datorama Training videos.
Training sessions are recorded and hosted on a secured cloud for your review.
We are Datorama’s oldest and most awarded partner. We’ve executed over 600+ projects.
Mastering Datorama Fundamentals Live Sessions
We’ve created the standard in Datorama Training
WEEK ONE – Agenda/Topics
DF to kick-off training program and understand the client’s current reporting practice
Platform fundamentals and overview
Data Integration layer, including best practices, tips, and tricks
Data Blending layer, including best practices, tips, and tricks
WEEK TWO – Agenda/Topics
Data Visualization Layer
Workspace health monitoring, maintenance, and upkeep
Final sign off on training
OPTIONAL – Agenda/Topics
Client to commence self-certification (optional)
How do I get more information about Decision Foundry?
You can start by downloading 12 tips for humanizing data experiences in Datorama or take a look at our services and thought leadership.
How do I grant Partner Access for training?
Partner access is granted via the Manage Users tab. Click Manage Users and then navigate to the Access Invitations tab and then click Invite User. Then, enter the users email ID and click Invite. The Partner can then take care of the rest.
Can I access Session Recordings and Learning Resources?
Yes. All training sessions are recorded and hosted on a secured, shared repository. The same goes for all training materials such as documents, schedules, and PDFs.
What are the Premium features compared to the out-of-the box features?
According to your license agreement, all standard features are enabled immediately. However, Premium features — such as Media Transparency Center, Data Lake, and Direct Connect — are only available after purchase. Contact your Salesforce Client Success Manager to gain access to these features.
What is the general training schedule in scope versus out of scope?
The general training schedule is found here. Depending on the contract, trainings are customized to fit your needs.
What is the Training duration, frequency, and type?
As mentioned above, training comes in three types/styles:
How long does it take to learn the Datorama Fundamentals of onboarding, harmonizing, validating, visualizing and maintaining the platform?
Mastering Datorama Fundamentals takes about 10 to 15 hours to cover the core topics or approximately 2 weeks.
Is Datorama easy to learn?
It can be taught through a combination of practical and academic studies, but it will take time. Hint: Start by watching one of our free webinars and considering taking one of our signature Mastering Datorama Fundamentals classes with our Practice Lead.
Do you offer Datorama certification classes?
No, only Salesforce can provide certification, but as an option, we do offer exam readiness which is a more rigorous approach to the training curriculum after you’ve completed the fundamentals.
We’ve seen your custom visuals, can you teach us how you do it?
Custom visuals are not taught in our standard training sessions but are offered through custom classes. Contact us for details.
We just hired someone to take over as our Datorama Admin, can you train them?
Yes, we recommend starting with our Audit services. The use cases we identify from this work will then be used to supplement your new employee’s understanding of the platform using real world examples.
What is the difference between Platform Training vs. Solution Training?
Platform Training consists of the full training schedule. By teaching users the core platform use cases, they learn how to use the platform, efficiently, and effectively.
Solution Training consists of tailor-made, hyper-focused training that gives clients the understanding they need to effectively use their existing Datorama setup. Users also learn what takes to maintain and scale their current instance. Scaling can include such items as adding new data sources/channels, adding and/or modifying calculated dimensions and measurements, setting up Goals and Benchmarking, modifications to visualization, and learning how to use templates within the platform in order to scale at a faster pace.
Mastering Datorama series on Linkedin sheds light on our thinking and methodology. View them here Datorama Training videos.
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