RESOURCES / Articles

How We Used Semrush to Build Brand in 90 Days

January 03, 2023

Our Challenge: Rebranding as Decision Foundry

In April of 2022, we rebranded ourselves as Decision Foundry, a global Salesforce implementation partner focused on effective data communication and marketing intelligence through platforms like Tableau and Datorama. Unfortunately, we had no brand recognition and had to start from scratch. Many of the great Salesforce Marketing Cloud articles on Marketing Intelligence that we had published and ranked well for had to be archived, deleted, or migrated from our old website to a newly created one.

Paying for Google and Bing Search Visibility

Like many SMBs, we had a lean budget. We considered several traditional channel marketing tactics, including Pay Per Click, but our research and early split tests quickly revealed that we were competing against the wrong companies – large technology providers and other well-known SaaS category leaders that had significantly more budget, awareness, and coverage. At an average cost of $25 per click, we exhausted our budgets with few results, and with a four-digit average cost per acquisition, we were priced out of the market within weeks. We need a better strategy.

Semrush has developed a great data platform for visualizing information and communicating very clear, unequivocal roadmaps around what you should do next in SEO.

Organic Search Brand Building

Despite our lack of experience, we turned to Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and specifically, Semrush to help us build brand momentum for Marketing Intelligence keywords such as “Datorama”. This meant we had to build an organic presence in lightspeed to begin scoring leads to meet our 1, 2 and 3-year highly achievable goals

What is Semrush?

Semrush is a popular, online visibility management and content marketing SaaS platform. Semrush helps companies of all sizes and industries to optimize their visibility across key channels and create engaging content for their users.

No Budget to Hire SEO Experts? No Problem.

We were neither SEO professionals, nor did we have a staff of search engine consultants, but our marketing sales goals and EBITDA remained aggressive. Through Semrush we began our strategic planning to build our brand from scratch.

Goal Setting Was Key

After considerable keyword research and competitive analysis within Semrush, we determined the “the 45 golden terms” we should be ranking for on page #1.

Over several months, our internal marketing team built our brand strategy from nothing. We gave ourselves six months to drive awareness and test our in-market strategies while shifting budgets, tactics, and content over time.

A Vision, a Roadmap, and Semrush, daily.

Thanks to Semrush we bested our goal in three months (between May and August 2022) and greatly exceeded our 2022 MQL and SQL targets by 35%. What we learned about goal setting and daily, data management left a profound impact on our Marketing efforts and even our approach to creating data solutions for our clients. Read on to learn how we built our brand from scratch using Semrush

